Monday, December 05, 2005

DropshipMan's review on The Rich Jerk (

What an asshole, I can honestly say after ordering this guy's Ebook that he is a true jerk and some of his methods and just overall thinking in terms of making killer money online are just downright mean.

Downright mean..., he actually tells you that some of his methods may be unethical and all of them are legal and really, really accessible. Before I purchased his Ebook last night, I checked his Alexa rating: 3,143 . Wow, looks like a herd of cattle are rushing to this site but are they buying this book??

I then checked with Clickbank to see if people actually buy his informational book. It's friggin Number 1.

Refund Option, tons of buyers and website visitors, and tons of people promoting this thing.
Why not give The Rich Jerk a shot??

I bought it last night, and after thoroughly reading through this thing (while I should really be studying for my legal exams), I am literally blown away on how easy he seems to detail making millions on the Internet. The only thing I ever really thought was for real in terms of making money online was via dropshipping and using my favorite directory through Worldwide Brands, Inc. I've honestly made great money setting up online dropshipping businesses and that is definitely one thing I will always do. However, this Jerk has got me thinking.

I don't wanna say too much, and I don't think I can say alot about the content without getting sued, but I will say that the information on his Ebook is something that you've probably heard before. However, this thing is so concise it almost makes you think you're stupid for not putting all of these ideas together yourself. $49.99 is not a bad price and the day after reading the Ebook, I am already putting his Google and Traffic Strategies to work.

The Rich Jerk
The hottest information source on the Internet right now and for good reason!!

Thumbs Up Here,
DropshipMan (Joey)


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